Day 50 – Genova

0km of 3281 so far…

I slept well, had the basic breakfast of the hostel and took the bus downhill for the center of Genova. As I was cycling into it, I hated it a little bit, because of the heavy traffic, the endless construction sites and then the massive hills. But as I spend a whole day in it, I realized it’s a city full of nice corners and full of history.

I started the day in the port, which is big and densely build with even an overhead big road running across it. The port it self hosts an aquarium along with a biosphere, some modern constructions from the celebrations of the 500 years of the discovery of America and an old ship. Genova proud to be the birth place of Cristoforo Colombo.

To the sails! Hooray...
To the sails! Hooray…
The overhead road by the pedestrianized port
The overhead road by the pedestrianized port
The facade of the old city
The facade of the old city
Tunnels within the city
Tunnels within the city
Cristoforo Colombo's home
Cristoforo Colombo’s home

Apparently Genova has the biggest old city in Europe and it feels to be. It is full of small alleys, the tightest I’ve seen so far and every now and then there will be a small square with a cafe or two, or a church. The alleys apart from apartments, are packed with cafe, restaurants and shop, keeping the whole area alive. I also like the fact that most of the shops are specialized to one thing like the old days. I saw one for keys, one for soaps and candles, one with a frame maker, one with a shoe maker and so on.

Sant Lorenzo
Sant Lorenzo
A small garden
A small garden
Vespas... manby of them
Vespas… many of them
I bet the neibours play cards across the window
I bet the neighbors play cards across the window
One of the many little squares within the small alleys
One of the many little squares within the small alleys
I need one urgently, but I'll wait until the end
I need one urgently, but I’ll wait until the end
Carabinieri and men with funny hats
Carabinieri and Robin Hoods

After going around the city for a few hours, I visited the Garibaldi street, which is since 2006 is protected by UNESCO. It was build around 1500-1600 and at its entire length has palaces both sides, that were used by the families as luxurious hotels to host big names, politicians and popes.

Via Garibaldi
Via Garibaldi

The inside garden of one of the palaces
The inside garden of one of the palaces

I had some pasta with pesto for lunch, I bought some supplies for the night and made my way to the hills for an restful afternoon. Tomorrow I’ll have to cross the mountains to make it to the norther parts of Italy.

3 thoughts on “Day 50 – Genova

  1. Panos Chatzigiannis

    In Italy try to find a salumeria (μπακάλικο) and ask if they have panini , it’s their way of making sandwich !!

    Ride safe !

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