32.7km out of 2084km so far
The campsite is at a very nice spot, so with such a nice weather today I decided to take yet another day off. Having an end date for the trip has been a bit of a problem. Some times I feel stressed that I don’t have enough time, other times I feel like I have plenty. I am now 3 days away from San Franscisco and from there I think I will need a couple of weeks to get to Los Angeles. That leaves me with several days off, so I’d rather use them in nice places like this one.
I did some laundry in the morning and took advantage of the hot sun to dry out my clothes. I then headed into town through a 6km coastal trail.

Heading to town

The bike trail that runs along an old rail track

The old train station
I spend a couple of hours in an old mall, to access the internet. This mall hosts a Culinary Institute for vegan cousin, together with a vegan cafe. As I was getting hungry, I couldn’t resist from buying one of their sandwiches. I have nothing against vegan food, but it doesn’t seem enough when cycling all day long. What a disappointment to pay $10 for the smallest ever sample of sandwich. Calories not enough to even climb on my bike, let along push it. As I was leaving the place, I happened to see Eric and Charlie on the road. They were looking for a lunch place, so I joined them for a cheap, fat loaded burger.

Round 2

Fort Bragg
After lunch we went to the local supermarket for more food supplies and then we headed off to the near by beach. We spent the rest of the afternoon until sunset exploring the beach and its inhabitants.

Alien tentacles
Getting back to the campground, we met with Liz and Garry, who had just came back from the Lost Coast detour. They said it was very demanding, so I was kind of glad I took the 101 route. They got to the campground as it was getting dark and they didn’t notice that there is a cabinet to store food. Big mistake for Liz, as the racoons that visited us overnight loved her snacks. I had never seen them in action before and I have to say the noise they make as they fight for food is a much more terrifying than what they look like.

Raccoon party at Liz’s bike.