Days that I don’t have time to do long bike rides, I just go a few loops of Stanley Park around where I live. It’s nice to have such a place to go for training in close proximity. The loop is 7km with a couple of good uphills to climb, so I will usually do it 3 times.

The fully loaded bike
This time I also loaded the bike with all the bags carrying fake weight. Apart from the exercise itself, it’s good to see how to bike behaves with the extra weight. I am still trying to decide whether I will a front rack at the front, with one small bag at the top, or two on the side. In terms of stability the second option is definitely better, as the weight can be added below the wheel’s axle, which makes it a lot easier to maneuver, but then even if I could do with some extra space, I am not sure if I want two extra bags to pack/unpack each time.
which places do you use to practice using a bicycle? thanks