Day 45 – Nice

0km of 3042km so far…

I took the day off today, the last one in France, to see the city of Nice and get some rest.

First thing in the morning, I visited the nearby hospital. It’s about 4 days now that I am feeling a mild pain on my right knee and of course it is a side effect of all this cycling. I was prepared to spend the entire day in the hospital waiting, but in less than an hour I was out. I was given a cream and I think I should now on take it very easy. I just hope it doesn’t get any worst and have to stop my trip.

I didn’t cycle at all today, but I walked for 4-5 hours all around the city. After the hospital I visited the near by Modern Art Museum of Nice, which happened to have a very good and free exhibition of Robert Longo. After going through all the galleries of the temporary and permanent exhibition, I also went up the roof which has a nice view of the city.

Musee d'Art moderne et d'Art contemporain
Musee d’Art moderne et d’Art contemporain
Bronze sculture in front of charcoal and graphite drawings
Bronze sculture in front of charcoal and graphite drawings
One of the permanant exhibits
One of the permanant exhibits
The view from the roof
The view from the roof

I then wondered around the old part of the city with the typical small alleys and the numerous cafes and restaurants. I walked up the north east hill, next to the old city, which has a castle, a cemetery and the best view of the city.

Uphill alleys
Uphill alleys
Nice, with the old part of the city in the foreground
Nice, with the old part of the city in the foreground
An artificial waterfall at the top
An artificial waterfall at the top
The city's beach
The city’s beach

I went down again to the old city for some lunch and after I bought a few things from a bike shop, I went back to the hostel for more rest.

I've been seen many colourful soaps lately
I bought one of these and finally washed my socks
Who is laughing now?
Who is laughing now?

After dinner and a beer, I went back to the old city for a last wonder around. All these little alleys were packed with people. Even the smallest bar and restaurant had customers and it is not even the peak season. Nice is a very beautiful and lively city and I am glad I spent my last night of France here. It’s been a month and a half in this country, so it’s a little pity leaving it as I was just started getting used to it and becoming more fluent with the language.

One thought on “Day 45 – Nice

  1. Rob Porter

    Sounds like a lovely time spent in Nice. It was refreshing to read after a grey windy day in London. Hope the knee improves.

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