Day 8 – Rennes to Saint Just


Today had some good and a few bad moments. Even if I woke up and left the camp site early, I wasted an hour and a half in the centre, trying to find another bike shop but most of all change some last pound notes I still have on me to euros. In the end, neither the bike shop had what I wanted, or any of the 5 banks I visited could change my money. I got furstrated and started making my way to the south of the city.
That was another mission, as all the signs to the next city will take you through the main roads. I ended up on the highway, where cyclists are not allowed, neither they want to be on. I made a turn and got lost again and again until somebody helped me locate the next small city in the direction I wanted to go.

The airport next to Rennes

The airport next to Rennes

My plan was to try and go by the cycle path that goes along the Vilaine canal which cuts Brittany in two and connects the Channel with the Atlantic ocean. As expected, the path was not tarmac, but luckily it was very fine gravel, just about ok for my very thin tires. I have to say, I love my bike, but it’s not ideal for touring. I was rarely going above 20km/h, but that was ok as I was enjoying the amazing scenery of the canal within the forest.

Cycling by the Vilaine canal

Cycling by the Vilaine canal

Another lock

Another lock

One of the canal's locks

One of the canal's locks

That's me to prove that I've been there.

That's me to prove that I've been there.

After about 20 kilometers, I thought I better leave the track before I rip any of my tires. I wasn’t willing to go from the main road so I started going from one small village to another. The roads were alright with only a few hills, but the big problem was the very stong head wind. I can’t say how fast the wind was, but it was strong enought to make my ride harder and my life missarable. I saw a group of 10 cyclists overtaking me with their superlight carbon racers, as I was strugling up the hills with all my cargo against the wind.
I was planning to get to Redon which was another 30km away, so I stopped in one of the villages craving some crepe or a big chuck of chocolate cake. At my disappointed there was non of them, but just a miserable small chocolate and some fresh water. I left the village to go and fight more the winds and the hill and a few kilometers away I saw a sign for campsite in Saint Just. Even if it was too early to stop, I started considering it as an option. The stupidly encrypted ‘Campsites of Brittany‘ booklet that I have got, doesn’t show anything in Redon, so I thought I should better not risk it and stay here. I was getting hungry and grumpy, so I made my way to the very basic 4€ camp site, with cold water showers but toilets equipped with paper.
My final defeat was after I pitched my tent and started looking for somewhere to eat in the village. Its only restaurant was not serving in the evenings, the local supermarket was closed and the only bakery had no sandwitches left. My dinner was one croissant, one bread with resins and a chuck of stail browny, so my stomach complains a little bit at the moment. I also bought some chocolate biscuits for breakfast, which I can’t wait to have.

4 thoughts on “Day 8 – Rennes to Saint Just

  1. Paul Simms

    Η ελπίδα εσείς έχει ένα συμπαθητικό πρόγευμα αύριο, για να αποζημιώσει τα κακά τρόφιμα απόψε.

  2. timbo

    Pick up some ‘schwable’ touring tires ASAP!
    They are bullet proof and give you piece of mind
    I did Asia on ‘schwable MARATHON’ tires and they still look new!
    After 6000kms on ‘continental’ tires I had to swap them front/back
    I think size 28 x 700 will even fit through your dumb road brakes…
    Canal riding is one of the best things about Europe!
    Wishing you more tail winds

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