Tag Archives: cycling

Day 33 – Toulouse to Carcassonne

105km of 2285km so far…

After a whole baguette with nutella for breakfast, I packed my bike and joined the Canal du Midi from within the city. I was hearing a lot about this canal for a long time during my trip, so I was very enthusiastic about cycling it this morning.
Canal du Midi connects the Atlantic with the Mediterranean, going through many cities and villages. Along the canal for the majority of its length, there is a path for bicycles and pedestrians, so for about 20km from Toulouse, I was seeing many people cycling, jogging, walking and having picnics.

The canal within the city

The canal within the city

One of the many locks

One of the many locks

The path by the canal

The path by the canal

Since I woke up, there was a complete overcast and I hardly saw the sun during the day. Todays surprise was my first puncture of the trip. After 2200 km, a piece of glass managed to go through the tire and its inner protective layer. I stopped at the side of one of the canal’s lock to have a look and of course half way the repair it started raining. It rained a lot and I had to put my water proofs and ironically the rain stopped just as I started riding again.

The place I had the puncture

The place I had the puncture

pat pat pat.... for pate

pat pat pat.... for pate

One of the ports

One of the small ports

Canal crouse

Canal crouse

In total I cycled 50km by the canal, but unfortunately after that distance the tarmac finished, so I had to abandoned it. Cycling on the road and with a nice tail wind I was going faster and I knew I could make it to Carcassonne. On the way I passed through the nice city of Castelnaudary, full of old houses and churches.



Luckily I made it to Carcassonne the minute before the tourist information was closing, so I managed to get the information I wanted. As it was wet all day, I was considering the option to stay in a hostel again and after I realized where the hostel is located I decided to stay there and also take the next day off to visit the city.

The old city of Carcassonne

The old city of Carcassonne

105km of 2285km so far…

After a whole bagguette with nutella for breakfast, I packed my bike and joined the Canal du Midi from within the city. I was hearing a lot about this canal for a long time during my trip, so I was very enthousiastic about cycling it this morning.
Canal du Midi connects the Atlantic with the Mediterenian, going through many cities and villages. Along the canal for the majority of its length, there is a path for bicycles and pedestrians, so for about 20km from Toulouse, I was seeing many people cycling along, jogging, walking and having picnics.
Since I woke up, there was a complete overcast and I hardly saw the sun during the day. Todays surprise was my first punchure of the trip. After 2200 km, a piece of glass managed to go through the tyre and its inner protective layer. I stoped at the side of one of the canal’s lock to have a look and of course half way the repair it started raining. It rained a lot and I had to put my water proofs and ironicly the rain stopped just as I started riding again.
In total I cycled 50km by the canal, but unfortunately after that distance the tarmac finished, so I had to abandoned it.

The view from the hostel

The view from the hostel

Day 30 – Boulogne to Plaisance du touch

81km of 2114 so far…

It’s been a month now that I am in France and many people told me I should try cassoulet when I get to the south. I had it once in London but of course it would not be the same.

I started making my way to Toulouse early in the morning. I chose to make a small diversion so to join a prettier road. Unfortunately for my legs it had loads of up and downs, but that was the trade off for the scenery I was cycling within.

Endless fields
Endless fields
Fields and hills
Fields and hills
My new best friends
My new best friends

After about 50km, I stopped at Rieumes for some lunch and rest. After I had a pizza I noticed a cafe with wifi and since I was only 30km from Toulouse I thought I should use the opportunity. The people inside seemed very friendly and kept laughing with my french accent. As I was getting my bike to depart, some of the clients started asking me questions so I told them my story about cycling back home. Then I asked them for a campsite in Toulouse and that’s when the surprise of the day appeared. One of the ladies offered me to go to her place in Plaisance du touch, which is only 10km from Toulouse and pitch my tent in her garder. I could turn down such an offer, so we arrange to meet in the supermarket of the town. I later found out that her son used to do a lot of cycle touring so she knew what I was into. The accommodation, apart from a shower, wifi and a thicker matrice for my tent, also included a 3 course meal that we had along with her friends and a hefty breakfast with home made marmalade. I was glad I had a spare bottle of Bordeaux red wine with me to thank her for treating me like son.

Jacquie, Renee, Raymonde and Dany
Jacquie, Renee, Raymonde and Dany
The glorious casoullet
The glorious homemade casoullet
The final punch with profiteroles
The final punch with profiteroles